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Watch: Vice President Joe Biden Likes a “Softer Ball”

The day after President Obama gave his “State of the Union” address, Vice President Joe Biden appeared on “CBS This Morning” to talk about ISIS, foreign policy and other “major issues” such as under-inflated footballs or (Inflate-Gate) as some refer to it.

This important statement from Biden comes the day after the NFL found that 11 of 12 footballs the Patriots used in the AFC win were under-inflated by two pounds of air each.

As far as Biden being a wide receiver and preferring softer balls, his old football coach E. John Walsh from Archmere Academy in Delaware offered this comment (via The New York Times).

He was a skinny kid, but he was one of the best pass receivers I had in 16 years as a coach.

There we have it folks.

Photo: www.vivelohoy.com

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