
Steelers WR’ Antonio Brown Inundated with Fan Mail

When Pittsburgh Steelers wide receiver Antonio Brown told fans at training camp to send him autograph requests if he was unable to sign their belongings at the practice facility, I am pretty sure he didn’t have this in mind. 

Brown told fans to send the mail to his dorm room at St. Vincent College, who is hosting the Steelers during training camp (via DetroitNews.com).

If I don’t get a chance to sign something for you at camp just send info to me.

And the fans followed suit.


Brown has since told the Pittsburgh Tribune-Review that his room is “full to the top with mail.”

According to post office officials, Brown has continually received about 100 packages per day since telling fans to send their gear to his dorm room. The star receiver does plan on signing and returning all the iteams to the fans. The college has even posted a warning in the dorms indicating that an influx of incoming mail may very well slow down the delivery of mail to the school.

Two lessons here.

1) Antonio Brown is a pretty cool dude.

2) This is a good way to keep yourself out of trouble at night during training camp.

Photo: ESPN.com

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