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Michael Sam’s stirring words following Orlando terrorist attack

The United States is mourning the loss of 50 of our citizens following the terrorist attack at an Orlando nightclub early Sunday morning.

A man who had pledged allegiance to the terrorist group ISIS brought two guns with him to a local club that’s frequented by the area’s LGBT community, opening fire and killing 50 people.

It’s an absolutely disgusting act of terror perpetrated with a hateful ideology not justified by any morally developed human.

Former St. Louis Rams seventh-round pick Michael Sam, the first openly gay player in NFL history, responded to the attack with some sobering words on Sunday.

We do mourn those who lost their lives. Fellow American citizens. American citizens who have in the past and continue to fight for their rights at a time when terror itself can’t negate the strength of the human spirit.

In this, Sam’s words strike a chord with every loving human the world over. Good for him for stepping up and saying what most of us believe. He’s a voice of authority on this, and is using that platform for all that is right.

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