
Deshaun Watson lawsuit total up to 23 as another woman files complaint

The Deshaun Watson lawsuit situation stemming from multiple accusations of sexual misconduct/assault is not going on the backburner any time soon.

It was earlier in May that multiple women who have accused the new Cleveland Browns quarterback of misconduct appeared on HBO’s “Real Sports” to detail said allegations.

Apparently, we can now add a 23 complainant to the list. According to Sarah Barshop of ESPN, another woman has come forward to file suit against Watson in civil court.

“Another lawsuit has been filed against Deshaun Watson. There are now 23 active civil lawsuits filed against the QB. According to the petition, the plaintiff ‘changed her mind about filing a lawsuit after watching the HBO Real Sports piece’ that aired last Tuesday.”

Report on another deshaun watson lawsuit being filed

This obviously can’t be seen as great news for Watson and the Browns. While multiple grand jury’s have declined to recommend criminal charges against the Pro Bowler, the number of accusers continues to grow.

Latest Deshaun Watson lawsuit comes on the heels of bad press

deshaun watson lawsuits

In the aforementioned “Real Sports” episode, two women by the name of Ashley Solis and Kyla Hayes detailed their accusations against the high-priced signal caller. To say that the accusations were troubling would be an understatement.

“(Watson) wanted me to kinda make a V motion in his pelvic area. So go across his stomach to his thighs, back to his stomach. I just kept massaging and did what he asked until his penis kept touching me repeatedly as I did it. He was moving his penis back and forth as my hands moved as well.’’

Deshaun Watson accuser Kyle Hayes

Adding a 23rd civil suit against Watson adds to the growing belief that it’s hard to side with one man over so many accusers. It’s something that those represesenting the women in civil court touched on during the “Real Sports” episode. It also comes on the heels of Watson himself making a pretty remarkable admission during a deposition.

“Yes, because she was teary-eyed. And I was trying to figure out what was going on. So, I assumed that she was uncomfortable in whatever reason. And we talked about working in the future. And so, I said, `We can work in the future. Just let me know.’ And then I sent my apologies as whatever reason she was teary-eyed for.”

Deshaun Watson lawsuit deposition

As these civil cases play out, the NFL has yet to make a decision about a potential Deshaun Watson suspension. A decision is expected some time this summer. All the while, the Browns themselves continue to feel the heat after trading three first-round picks to the Houston Texans for the 26-year-old signal caller.

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