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Richard Sherman Named One Of Time Magazine’s 100 Most Influential People

Presidency might be a stretch, but Richard Sherman, never at a shortage or loss for words, has been named as one of Time’s 100 most influential people.


As quoted by Time.com

I’m the best corner in the game!” and calling one foe “sorry.

Well, this ranting, bold statement earned Sherman this head-inflating honor. Keep in mind, the Stanford graduate did graduate with 4.1 grade point average.

Don’t you think a huge thank you bouquet to Michael Crabtree for sparking this whole situation is in order?

Courtesy: colourbox.com
Thank you!

Per Time’s Sean Gregory, as reported by cbssports.com

More important, it sparked a national conversation about race, stereotyping and sportsmanship. When critics labeled the dreadlocked defensive star a ‘thug,’ Sherman, a Compton, Calif.–raised Stanford graduate, engaged the debate, asking if the term was today’s way of calling him the N word? In a heartbeat, Sherman altered the discourse and emerged as the smartest voice in the room.

While Sherman didn’t exactly earn the cover spot for Time Magazine’s top 100 edition, it is an amazing honor to be included.

Yes, most people would rather be staring at Beyonce’s beauty over Sherman’s mug. Nevertheless, it is a proud accomplishment for Sherman. Along with a humongous raise in his salary in the works, and his Super Bowl championship Sherman is killing it so far this year.

Photo: Kirby Lee, USA Today Sports

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