
Federal Judge Approves NFL Concussion Lawsuit Settlement

More than 4,500 former NFL players filed suit against the league in regards to its prior handling of concussions and CTE (Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy). The league, uinderstanding full well it was behind the proverbial eight-ball, agreed last month to remove a $675 million cap on a potential settelement. 

It’s now being reported by the Associated Press and NFL.com that  U.S. District Judge Anita Brody has approved a settelement between the two sides. 

A federal judge has granted preliminary approval to a deal that would compensate former NFL players for concussion-related claims.

The big story here is that the league decided to remove the $675 million cap after Brody showed worry that it wasn’t enough to fairly compensate the players. We could very well be looking at a rather large settlement, as suggested by the attorneys for the players.

Attorneys Sol Weiss and Christopher Seeger said in a statement that Monday’s decision represents “an extraordinary settlement” for the plaintiffs.

It remains to be seen exactly what the final settlement might be, but we could very well be looking at it ending up in the billion-dollar range.


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