In what has long been a national shame, nine people were wounded during a mass shooting at a Denver-area STEM school back on May 7. One child was killed.
It’s just the latest example of school violence around the United States. In an attempt to do what they can to help those impacted, the Denver Broncos agreed to host multiple graduations for survivors at their training facility this week.
“Incredibly awesome thing the Broncos are doing: The STEM School, where one student died and eight others were wounded in a shooting, reached out to the team late last week about the possibility of hosting its graduations at UC Health Training Center,” Nicki Jhabvala of The Athletic noted.
The Broncos obliged by hosting multiple graduations on Monday and Thursday at no charge. Once practice ended on Thursday, the parking lot was seen filled with families from the school. Their cars read “STEM strong.”
“We told them we’d be happy to help the school, the students and their families in any way possible,” Broncos Executive Vice President Patrick Smyth said.
What a great gesture from the Broncos as their community continues to mourn yet another senseless tragedy.