
WATCH: New Orleans Saints QB Drew Brees posts another apology on Instagram

Saints, quarterback

We can never be 100% sure what’s on the mind of a previously well-respected star when all hell seems to be at his front door.

What we do know is that future Hall of Fame quarterback Drew Brees is facing major criticism after some tone-deaf comments he made earlier in the week.

Drew Brees’ first apology

One day after New Orleans Saints quarterback Drew Brees faced widespread backlash stemming from his controversial comments regarding protests during the national anthem, he’s attempting to backtrack in a big way.

Earlier on Thursday, the future Hall of Fame quarterback released a statement apologizing for said remarks. It was met with a mixed response.

Drew Brees latest apology

Mr. Brees is now doubling down on his apology in a recent Instagram video.


These remarks seem a bit more heartfelt than the message from earlier in the day. Though, no one can tell whether they are genuine outside of Mr. Brees himself. Could these apologies be the quarterback’s way of attempting to simply sweep this under the rug and move past it? Could he be looking to change in a big way? Brees’ actions will speak a lot louder than his words moving forward.

Drew Brees and the New Orleans community

What we do know is that Brees signed with the Saints some 15 years ago in large part because he wanted to help rebuild the New Orleans community following Hurricane Katrina. He has in the past done his part in a big way.

That’s being lost on all of this following his tone-deaf remarks just over a week after the brutal murder of George Floyd at the hands of a then-Minneapolis police officer. The hope here is that Brees learns from his mistakes and uses his platform to help create the change that’s very much needed in the United States.

For now, those around the football world have every right to remain skeptical. That’s just the way it is in today’s society.

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