James Harden showed up to the NBA Awards wearing a very odd outfit that appeared to be inspired by an animal most known for its tasty steaks or delicious milk.
See for yourself.
The MVP is here pic.twitter.com/iaP6BkHhSK
— Bill Oram (@billoram) June 26, 2018
James Harden 🔥 pic.twitter.com/N2PcRkO5n0
— Rockets Brasil (38-36) (@Rockets_bra) June 26, 2018
It’s certainly a bold choice. The reactions on Twitter to this outfit choice were pretty entertaining, too, with many coming to a common conclusion.
James Harden came dressed as a Brown Cow https://t.co/zT8GijSUry
— El Mariachi (@St_Ans) June 26, 2018
— RedNinja (@rocktredblood) June 26, 2018
Mooooo mooo mooooooooooo pic.twitter.com/d30BghcanH
— McCade Pearson (@McCadeP8) June 26, 2018
Whatever Chic Fil A is paying him to dress like a cow, it's worth it.
— Kyle Beckley (@Kyle_Beckley) June 26, 2018
Big mooooood.
— Aubrey NakatomiPlaza (@acgjd) June 26, 2018
Though, not everyone saw “cow.”
So now there is 100 Dalmatians again?
— OG Laker Fan (@TheProLakerFan) June 26, 2018
Human Rorschach Test
— Ben Yoel (@Ben_Yoel) June 26, 2018
James Harden rocking the bold “shiitake mushroom” look https://t.co/z2hOeqqAIf
— BeastLine Sports (@BeastlineSports) June 26, 2018