
Steve Kerr refuses to address LaVar Ball ‘Milli Vanilli’ comments

Steve Kerr Golden State Warriors Game 2 2017 NBA Finals

On Monday morning, LaVar Ball once again inserted foot into mouth talking trash about someone who’s very well respected in the NBA community. He called Golden State Warriors head coach Steve Kerr the “Milli Vanilli” of the NBA and said Mark Jackson built the team Kerr now coaches.

A bit later in the day, Kerr had a chance to offer a rebuttal and patently refused to take the bait.

Of course, Kerr wasn’t the only member of his team to be asked about it. David West may have had the best response.

Really, this is the ticket. Because Ball is nothing more than hot air. We all know this. Even he knows it. Yet somehow, people seem to think his words matter.

Pro tip: They don’t.

Also, on that note and in case anyone forgot, Kerr already dropped the mic on Ball recently, which you can read about here if you forgot what he said.

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