
Peyton Manning not ruling out career in broadcasting

Peyton Manning, NFL Draft

Legendary NFL quarterback Peyton Manning has repeatedly turned down major networks for a career in broadcasting. But could he potentially change his mind?

Peyton Manning on broadcasting: ‘I’ve said no to this year’

Speaking on the subject of broadcasting Tuesday during an appearance on the “Rich Eisen Show,” Manning would not rule it out.

“Yeah Rich I haven’t said no forever. I’ve said no to this year. It just doesn’t feel like the right time,” Manning said.

Manning also said he hates to kind of drag it out as a “check with me next year” type scenario. But he also said that’s kind of how he’s approached this chapter of his life. He said he doesn’t have a five- or 10-year plan right now and is just enjoying life.

What we do know is that Manning would be in extremely high demand if he was open to broadcasting. The monetary details of the reported deals extended to him are insane. And we know for a fact that Manning would be highly entertaining in the booth, if he ever said yes. He’s a natural behind a mic and has a talent for seamlessly interjecting humor into sharp analysis.

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