
NFL players have mixed reactions to ratification of CBA


The NFL players have voted, and after the final tally there is a new CBA between the NFLPA and league, though the final vote was razor thin.

The NFLPA released a statement Sunday morning, noting that the new CBA was ratified by a margin of 1,019 votes for, and 959 votes against, the agreement.

NFL commissioner Roger Goodell also issued a statement after the ratification:

​”We are pleased that the players have voted to ratify the proposed new CBA, which will provide substantial benefits to all current and retired players, increase jobs, ensure continued progress on player safety, and give our fans more and better football.  We appreciate the tireless efforts of the members of the Management Council Executive Committee and the NFLPA leadership, both of whom devoted nearly a year to detailed, good faith negotiations to reach this comprehensive, transformative agreement.”

Among the key issues included in this new CBA are short-term financial gains for most players, a 17-game regular season that should start in 2021 at the earliest, and an extra wild-card game in the playoffs.

In the time running up to the final vote, many prominent players were strong advocates for a “no” vote on the proposed CBA. So, it wasn’t surprising in the least that many of the players had differing takes on social media after the CPA was ratified, and by such a close margin.

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