
Jim Harbaugh reportedly admits he’ll entertain NFL head coach opportunities

Credit to Jim Harbaugh. While most other coaches before him who are considering making the jump from college to the pros aren’t too transparent about their plans, Harbaugh has been more open.

Rumors have been generating for some time about Harbaugh potentially spurning Michigan for the opportunity to get back into the NFL as a head coach. We could see such a change happen as soon as this offseason with so many expected firings on the way.

Yet, Harbaugh isn’t hiding from the chance that he’ll leave Ann Arbor, even admitting as much during a visit with one of his Michigan commits.

According to Larry Clemons, the father of Darrius who committed to the Wolverines on Dec. 10, Harbaugh said he would “entertain” leaving Michigan according to 247sports.com.

“He said that he’ll entertain (it),” Clemons said. “He was up front with us about that. I had Coach Harbaugh speak to my pastor. They had a good conversation. Our pastor asked him about that, and that’s just that’s the (reply) that he gave him.

“I have no choice but to respect a coach if he’s up front with us like that,” Mr. Clemons said. “So, I respect him for that … By him saying stuff like that I was like, ‘we can’t pick a school because of a coach.’ We learned that from the Oregon (coaching change).”

Jim Harbaugh’s honesty is refreshing

Do you see that? Other coaches should take a page from this approach. When college coaches leave for the NFL, they leave behind several commits who they’ve given their word to. How would you feel when your coach just leaves a few weeks or months after telling you they would stay? It’s just business, I know. But still, it’s not a good look.

While most don’t hold a coach pursuing a better opportunity against them, it’s still not a good message to send. In this case, Harbaugh appears to be doing the right thing by being honest about his NFL prospects.

For what it’s worth, Harbaugh has been linked to several possible openings such as the Raiders, the Bears, and more. And of course, it’s possible Harbaugh is simply posturing to recoup some of the money he gave up when he agreed to a pay cut prior to the start of the 2021 college football season.

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