
Diamondbacks troll Giants after making Madison Bumgarner signing official

Madison Bumgarner Diamondbacks

The Arizona Diamondbacks pulled off a coup of epic proportions earlier this month, signing World Series hero Madison Bumgarner away from the San Francisco Giants.

There’s certainly going to be some hurt feelings in Northern California after the Giants lost the face of their franchise.

Arizona didn’t do much to quiet that on Tuesday as the team made the signing official.

San Francisco tweeted out a thank you to Bumgarner, at which point the D’Backs responded with an epic troll job.

Man. Just let the team and its fan base mourn for a quick second, please.

Needless to say, this tweet was not met with resounding support.


What we do know is that Bumgarner will be treated with respect the minute he returns to San Francisco next season. The rest of his team? Well, not so much.

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