
Ric Flair to Tiger Woods: ‘I have your back’

Tiger Woods

No matter what you do in life, it’s important to remember that someone will always have your back. Tiger Woods, for example, has Nike and apparently, Ric Flair.

Indeed. Arguably the greatest professional wrestler of all time took to Twitter to tell Tiger “I have your back.”

The last several years have not been great for Tiger.

While a good deal of the backlash has cooled, his public image is still marred by the extramarital affairs that were revealed after Thanksgiving Weekend in 2009. More recently, injuries have slowed (and possibly ended) his golf career. On Monday morning, Woods was arrested for a DUI.

But if you talk bad about Tiger in Flair’s presence, consider yourself warned. That may earn you a wicked chop to the chest or even a figure-four leglock from the “The Stylin’, profilin’, limousine riding, jet flying, kiss-stealing, wheelin’ n’ dealin’ son of a gun.”

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