
Report: ‘Slim chance’ LeBron James signs with Warriors or Celtics

Golden State Warriors and Boston Celtics fans hoping their favorite team lands the most coveted free agent of the coming summer, LeBron James, should stop holding their breath.

According to Jordan Schultz of Yahoo Sports, there’s “a slim chance” James would sign with either of those top teams.

“The thought process is that chasing Kyrie [Irving] or KD [Kevin Durant] will not be particularly appealing at this point in his career,” Schultz wrote on Twitter Sunday evening.

That is quite a salient point.

James and Irving already clearly have a rough bit of history between them, which is what got Irving on the move to Boston to begin with. There’s always the chance Irving gets moved, in which case maybe the Celtics are suddenly appealing to James. But that’s not necessarily something that is going to happen, and even if it did James would be tied to Irving in Boston.

Obviously, Durant and James on the same team would stir up a hornet’s nest which would not help either player’s image.

It’s logical that James will avoid both of those situations and look elsewhere for his new home, if he does in fact leave Cleveland. On that note, we’ve got some ideas about where he’d fit in best.

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