
President Trump comments on NFL national anthem controversy

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When the NFL and NFLPA announced on Thursday evening that they would not be enforcing new rules against players protesting during the national anthem, it was only a matter of time before President Donald Trump chimed in.

Like he usually does, POTUS’ comments came to us via his Twitter account. And in what can’t be considered too much of a surprise, Trump put both the NFL and its players on blast.

“The NFL National Anthem Debate is alive and well again – can’t believe it! Isn’t it in contract that players must stand at attention, hand on heart?,” the president tweeted. “The $40,000,000 Commissioner must now make a stand. First time kneeling, out for game. Second time kneeling, out for season/no pay!”

To be clear: President Trump is not correct here. It is not in player contracts that they stand “at attention, hand on heart” during the anthem. Hence, why the NFL and its owners attempted to set forth new rules.

Trump’s stance on this entire drama has been clear from the start. Even before he became president following an upset win over Hillary Clinton the 2016 election, Trump took a stand against then San Francisco 49ers quarterback Colin Kaepernick.

Since then, there’s been a continual split between the White House and NFL players on the topic. Thursday’s joint announcement from the NFL and NFLPA coupled with Trump’s comments are only going to fan the flames heading into the 2018 season.

This begs one question. Can we just enjoy football? Two-plus years of this nonsense has taken a toll on those who love this sport.

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