
President Donald Trump vows to boycott NFL if players kneel for national anthem

President Donald Trump at podium

As the 2020 NFL season approaches, many football fans are counting down the days until football returns. However, as a growing list of players now plans to kneel during the national anthem this year, President Donald Trump is vowing not to watch this season.

President Donald Trump: If players don’t stand for the national anthem, “I won’t be watching”

The debate around athletes kneeling during the national anthem was sparked earlier this month when New Orleans Saints quarterback Drew Brees called the form of protesting “disrespectful to the flag.” While many around the NFL bashed Brees for his comments, leading to an apology, President Trump came to the star quarterback’s defense.

Brees fired back at President Trump on June 5, defending the players’ rights to kneel during the national anthem and calling him to be part of the change for social justice. Trump responded in an interview with FOX News on Thursday, saying he was shocked at Brees’ reaction and believes he will regret it.

After saying earlier this week that Kaepernick might deserve another chance in the NFL, President Trump made it clear that he won’t support the league if players kneel during the national anthem.

Multiple NFL players have already come out and said they would kneel during the anthem this season. Among them, Cleveland Browns quarterback Baker Mayfield and Arizona Cardinals star Kyler Murray.

We will likely see far more players peacefully protest during the national anthem this season, especially following the recent deaths of George Floyd and Brionna Taylor at the hands of law enforcement. Given the NFL is now supporting the Black Lives Matter movement and the right to kneel during the anthem, it is apparent that the league and President Trump are at odds.

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