
Hawks F Kent Bazemore shows support for President Trump

Courtesy of Mark L. Baer, USA Today Sports

Atlanta Hawks wing Kent Bazemore remains good friends with former teammate and two-time reigning NBA MVP Stephen Curry. He learned a whole heck of a lot from Curry when the two played together with the Golden State Warriors.

Off the court, however, the two seem to be of a differing opinion regarding one of the most divisive issues in the United States. Of course, we’re talking about newly-inaugurated President Donald Trump.

Prior to his team’s game against the Chicago Bulls on Wednesday, Curry had some pretty interesting remarks about Trump. The remarks came in response to Under Armour CEO Kevin Plank calling Trump “a real asset for the country.”

“I agree with that description, if you remove the ‘et’ from asset,” Curry said, via the Mercury News.

You can go ahead and decide for yourself what Curry meant by that.

In response to what his former teammate said, Bazemore had this to share.

“That’s kind of what my thoughts were when he won the presidency. Have a businessman in office, because that’s the way the world’s trending. Even in the NBA, there’s more business and entrepreneurship in athletics these days. And I’m living proof you take care of your brand, good things happen to you,” Bazemore said, via the Sporting News. “We’ve been living some stuff that’s been written for 200-300 years. The world has changed. The world has gotten a little smarter. It’s good that we have somebody that’s hip in that aspect to try to change it.”

Bazmore’s point here was in response to a question about whether he agreed with Plank’s assertion.

Surely there’s been a lot of debate over President Trump, some of it healthy. Does the United States need someone with business experience in his/her background to run the country? How would that look?

It’s a debate that’s raged since Trump, then an underdog, joined the Republican field for the presidential nomination back in 2015. It’s obviously continued through to his shocking win in November’s general election, and now, to the White House.

The great thing about this nation is that we all have the right to express our opinion. As it relates to Bazemore, he did so in an intelligent way while focusing on how his business understanding has helped him from a micro perspective.

These are surely healthy debates to have. They break from the other issues surrounding the divisive nature of the United States today.

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