
Dez Bryant annihilates Jason Garrett on Twitter after latest Cowboys loss

Cowboys WR Dez Bryant during game against the Chiefs

The Dallas Cowboys once again came up very small in a must-win game, which has been a regular occurrence during the Jason Garrett era. After the game, responding to a tweet about Garrett and the Cowboys, former Dallas star Dez Bryant unloaded.

The tweet that caught Bryant’s eye stated that “Jerry Jones really allowed Jason Garrett to waste the primes” of Tony Romo, Dez Bryant, and Sean Lee, among others.

That’s when Bryant unleashed a savage takedown of his old head coach:

Now, this isn’t the first, second or third time Bryant has expressed his displeasure with Garrett — this is a long-standing issue for the former Cowboys star.

But he is making it crystal clear here that he believes Garrett has wasted some incredible talent over the years. And quite honestly, with just three double-digit-win seasons and a 2-3 postseason record in the nine seasons Garrett has been the head coach, it’s hard to argue that Bryant isn’t exactly correct.

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