
NHL Mount Rushmore With Michael Calcutt | USJ Podcast

NHL Mount Rushmore

Today on the February 19th, 2014 Unfiltered Sports Juggernaut podcast we’re talking with Michael Calcutt about the NHL Mount Rushmore. With LeBron James giving his NBA version, we’re doing the NHL version that include Wayne Gretzky, of course. Who else? Neal Broten? Dominic Hasek? Listen now…

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There are so many great choices for the NHL Mount Rushmore, yet it all boils down to the Great One. And then you work backwards. TC and Mike throw out their nominations that include Maurice ‘the Rocket’ Richard, Mario Lemeiux, Patrick Roy, and Jeremy Roenick. Also on the show the guys discuss the big news at the Winter Olympics is that the Russian’s are out, that the American’s and the Canadian’s are looking like they’ll face each other in the semi-finals, and that Finland will probably play the winner.

NHL Mount Rushmore Opinions:

  • Wayne Gretzky, no doubt
  • Bobby Orr is the greatest defense man ever and is definitely on the list
  • No room for NCAA Champion, Olympic Champion, and Stanley Cup Champion Neal Broten
  • Listen to the show to find out the rest.

Plus TC (your host and ringmaster) will engage Michael Calcutt on the Sportsnaut.com headlines of the day including news that convicted dog fighter Michael Vick is going into business with Bow Wow. Plus we’ll talk about the prettiest of pretty guys named Alex Rodriguez who’s locker is empty in Tampa this year, and finally the Cuban batter who took his bat to the head of a pitcher.

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