
NFL Crime Watch With Vincent Frank | SU Podcast

NFL Crime Watch

Today on the February 21st, 2014 Unfiltered Sports Juggernaut podcast we’re talking with Vincent Frank about the NFL Crime Watch. It seems that every day another current or former NFL player is in the news being arrested for this, that, or the other. Is a dress code the answer? Listen now…

NFL Crime Watch With Vincent Frank

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Connect with Vincent Frank:
 | www.eDraft.com | ProFoootballFocus.com

Connect with TC:

It’s the off-season and the NFL Crime Watch is underway. TC and Vincent go through the list of current and former NFL players that have gotten in trouble with the law. That list includes with Darren Sharper, Ray Rice, Fred Davis, and many more. The guys will also talk about which NFL free agents are the hot stuff this year. Jimmy Graham going anywhere? Eric Decker to Miami or someone else will overpay? Will Toby Gerhart get his shot to start for an NFL team this year? Finally, find out the smartest Quarterback in the NFL Draft and it’s not Janeane Garofalo, though close.

NFL Crime Watch Most Wanted:

  • Darren Sharper suspected of raping seven women
  • Fred Davis seems to be Mr. Substance Abuse
  • Ray Rice accused of knocking fiancee unconscious
  • Listen to the show to find out the rest

Plus TC (your host and ringmaster) will engage Vincent Frank on the Sportsnaut.com headlines of the day including the Swedes have made it to the Gold Medal Game in Winter Olympics Men’s Hockey and Danny Granger traded and then released – Ouch. Finally, we’ll talk a little Jimmy Fallon, Johnny Carson, and Jay Leno and who’s the guy you’d love to hang out with and whether or not Jimmy is feeling nervous so far.

Check out the featured stories…

Photo: Mitch Stringer-USA TODAY Sports

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