
NFL 2013 Review – A Post-Mortem | USJ Podcast

NFL 2013 Review - A Post-mortem

Today on the February 13th, 2014 Sportsnaut Unfiltered podcast show we’re talking with Donny Snyder and doing an NFL 2013 Review, or perhaps some would call it a post-mortem. Besides the Super Bowl, what will be the most remembered moments of the 2013 season. The Chiefs? Matt Schaub? Find out!

Listen Now: NFL 2013 Review

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In addition to the greatest moments  in our NFL 2013 review, we’ll talk about the expert picks and why Bill Barnwell of Grantland and ESPN turned out to be the sexiest beast in the room. You’re not going to believe how accurate his NFL picks were for the season. In the end, we find that it’s much easier to predict the NFL and the NBA than it is to predict Major League Baseball.

Our NFL 2013 Review Most Remembered Moments:

  • The Kansas City Chiefs get off to an unbelievable start
  • Matt Schaub injured, then booed by the fans in Houston
  • Carolina defense brings home the awards
  • Listen to the show to find out the rest.

Plus TC (your host and ringmaster) will engage Donny on the Sportsnaut.com headlines of the day including why the Derek Jeter retirement tour 2014 will be another nail in the coffin of celebration fatigue that has inundated the sports world. Finally, we’ll determine if Derek Jeter is one of the five greatest Yankees of all-time, and more on the rabbit hole called the Michael Sam announcement.

Check out the featured stories…

Photo: Andrew Weber-USA TODAY Sports
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