
Michael Sam Is Gay – Who Cares | USJ Podcast

Michael Sam Is Gay - Who Cares

Today on the February 10th, 2014 Sportsnaut Unfiltered podcast show we’re talking with Donny Snyder about the news that came out on Sunday that Michael Sam is gay. Besides the sports media and political organizations, TC and Donny wonder if anyone really cares – they don’t. 

Big Story: Michael Sam Is Gay – Who Cares!

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Michael Sam is gay, yet he’s a human being born of this earth and an American, so that’s all that should really matter right? Yet you know that the people that love to group and label individuals are already lining to call anyone any team that doesn’t draft him a bunch of names to try and make themselves feel superior. We’ll talk about those empty vessels on the show today.

Also on the big show TC (your host and ringmaster) is riffin’ on the sports headlines of the day including the 76ers getting pounded in Los Angeles by the Clippers on Sunday night, the figure skater in Sochi that is a “doing the vertical splits” marvel, and Marcus Smart of Oklahoma State ain’t so smart as  a Texas Tech fan got his goat. Finally, TC and Donny will welcome spring by tossing out their 2014 picks for each MLB division.

Check out the stories…

Photo: Denny Medley-USA TODAY Sports
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