Today In Sports 4.10.14

Let’s give a short and sweet (just like me) overview of what happened in the world of sports today shall we?

Colin Kaepernick got in trouble for NOT sexually assaulting someone. And we found out, he likes to hang out with Seattle Seahawks players. Also, be careful who you follow on The Instagram.

Sam Fuld runs the Oakland Athletics. Jim Johnson, should start running, away.

Jesse Johnson/USA TODAY Sports


Bruce Kluckhohn/USA TODAY Sports

The cutest children in the world are now professional golf caddies for The Masters.


John Daly loves Hooters. A lot.

Eli Manning will miss up to six weeks of off-season activities, which will be the equivalent to his first six games when the season is on.

Nick Ferguson doesn’t like In N Out burger.

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Justin Verlander was an adorable kid, and so was his baby brother. So obviously him and Kate Upton are going to have beautiful babies, and we will be #foreveralone.

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Photo: Mark J. Rebilas/USA TODAY Sports


Jessica is a sports writer with an obsession for baseball. You can catch her in the stands or in ... More about Jessica Kleinschmidt
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