
Minnesota Twins 2014 Predictions | USJ Podcast

Minnesota Twins 2014 Predictions

Today on the February 11th, 2014 Sportsnaut Unfiltered podcast show we’re talking with Phil Litman about Minnesota Twins 2014 predictions. Will Miguel Sano and Byron Buxton make it to Target Field? Will Ron Gardenhire finally be fired? We’ll answer those questions and more. 

Listen Now: Minnesota Twins 2014 Predictions

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The Minnesota Twins have been awful the last three years. Before that, despite winning a handful of division crows, the team has been unable to win any post-season series except for one: Against Billy Beane’s Moneyball team in 2002. Today we scour the roster, unleash a lot of opinions, and make our Minnesota Twins 2014 predictions.

Also on the big show TC (your host and ringmaster) is riffin’ on the sports headlines of the day including the news on Twins General Manager Terry Ryan being treated for cancer, Jack Clark and Albert Pujols square off in a debate about PED’s, and which NFL players are ripe for receiving the franchise tag in 2014: Jimmy Graham, Maurice Jones-Drew, Jared Allen, or Michael Bennett.

Check out the featured stories…

Photo: Mark J. Rebilas-USA TODAY Sports
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