“Hard Knocks” featuring the Oakland Raiders premiered on HBO Tuesday evening. The reality television show is going to give us a behind-the-scenes look at the long dormant organization as it prepares for its final season in Oakland.
Among the biggest stories, recently acquired wide receiver Antonio Brown is dealing with a foot injury.
This comes after a drama-filled 2018 campaign that saw him get into it with former quarterback Ben Roethlisberger of the Pittsburgh Steelers.
The story is by now well known. At the very least, to those who paid attention to the drama. Apparently that did not include one of Brown’s sons. Check out the little man asking his father about the whereabouts of one Big Ben.
We love Brown explaining it to the little kid while noting that Derek Carr is now his quarterback. He also makes sure the little one knows he’s still wearing black.
“Hard Knocks” is going to be a whole lot of fun this season. Mr. Brown himself will be good for a gold quote or two. That’s for sure.