At some point the backlash directed at commissioner Roger Goodell may be too much and he’ll have to go the way of Tricky Dick Nixon. This is to say, NFL’s head honcho might be in the earliest stages of having to call it quits.
Former New England Patriots linebacker Tedy Bruschi, who is among the most popular retired players around the league, indicated on ESPN that it’s time for Goodell to go.
We needed someone to go up there and be a leader. To give all of the public out there, all of the fans, all of the former players, all of the current players. To give them hope that things will be done right, and that wasn’t done because I don’t think Roger Goodell is the guy that can do that anymore.
Bruschi is speaking (of course) about Goodell’s dumpster fire of a press conference that was conducted Friday afternoon in New York City. He joins a long list of individuals connected with the sport to call on Goodell to be removed, either forcefully or of his own accord, from his role as commissioner of the NFL.
If Goodell had any hopes that this controversy would die down after his sad excuse for a press conference, that all but died with ESPN’s disturbing report that tells a story of corruption and cover-ups from the highest levels of the league office.
This story isn’t dying down any time soon, so stay tuned.