
NFL admits Trey Flowers penalty was bogus


The Detroit Lions were brutalized by the officiating crew Monday night, which blew multiple calls late, including multiple penalties against Trey Flowers that were bogus.

On Tuesday during a conference call with reporters, NFL Executive Vice President of Football Operations Troy Vincent confirmed that one of the penalties against Flowers should not have been called.

What’s fascinating here is that Vincent and the NFL won’t admit that both of the penalties against Flowers were bogus. They were practically identical (watch here) and both occurred on third downs stops that should have ended Green Bay Packers offensive drives.

One thing everyone can agree on is that the officiating in the NFL is broken. Every single week we’re seeing referees alter outcomes of games, and somehow this is getting worse in an era where technology dictates it should get better.

At the least, the league should have an official on site who can watch from overhead and have replays readily available to overrule calls like the ones that altered Monday night’s debacle of a game.

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