One of the lesser known sponsorships in NASCAR is 3CHI with Kyle Busch and Richard Childress Racing.
The brand doesn’t get a lot of air time on the RCR No. 8 for a variety of reasons. One, the hemp-based product needed to meet both NASCAR sponsorship requirements, network television standard and practices and federal guidelines.
3CHI is even allowed to sell some of its products — pain creams, THC gummies and vape at tracks in states where hemp is legal. The brand has appeared less on the No. 8 car this season as Delta-8/THC approval is being challenged and or renewed at state and federal levels.

It also pushed the boundaries with NASCAR for the season finale at NASCAR and a marijuana leaf based paint scheme was denied, but the company released the design on its social media channels to generate awareness that way.
“In case you missed it, here’s the full custom Kyle Busch design that didn’t make it to the track! NASCAR’s current policies don’t allow marijuana-related designs, but we’re here to push boundaries and change the game. Maybe one day, you’ll see this on the track!”

es, they say ‘Kyle Kush,’ and there is an entire product line around the two-time Cup Series champion for those interested in states where it is permitted.

This shirt is also available anywhere.