Right before halftime of Game 1 in the 2018 NBA Finals between the Cleveland Cavaliers and Golden State Warriors, Draymond Green poked LeBron James in the eye. That poke turned one half of James’ left eye into something out of a nightmare that was still visibly inflamed in Game 2.
This was the play where Draymond “poked” Lebron’s eye. Bro. https://t.co/XdpzUSGp7q
— B (@BryPaschal) June 7, 2018
On Wednesday night in Game 3, that eye still looked angry.
THE EYE OF LEBRON IS UPON YOU pic.twitter.com/idA6Jled7L
— JOE MACLEOD (@JOEMACLEOD666) June 7, 2018
Fans on Twitter couldn’t stop talking about Lebron James’ freaky left eye. We collected some of the best tweets from the first half in Game 3.
Can y’all stop with the close-ups of the Lebron’s right eye!? #NBAFinals pic.twitter.com/VzcSBavjau
— February Foles 🍫 (@noxiouscali) June 7, 2018
Every time I look at Lebron's eye I feel like I'm going to pass out. #NBAFinals pic.twitter.com/I8vcyry8wT
— T Garrett (@powhataner) June 7, 2018
Damn, LeBron still got the Cable eye… pic.twitter.com/KKxTkRYFJC
— 🤙🏾 Mr. October 🤙🏾 (@ALCHEMIST1906) June 7, 2018
LeBron’s eye looks SIGNIFICANTLY better than Sunday night.
No longer Bob Costas in Sochi level freaky. pic.twitter.com/YU0p51f21w
— Crosstown Tickets (@crosstowntix) June 7, 2018
Due to lebron’s red eye I feel as if this picture is accurate… #LeBronJames pic.twitter.com/5dh6CtzrxX
— جبرائيل (@d1bound4glory) June 7, 2018
LeBron James’s eye 👁 is #unsafe pic.twitter.com/kzgTg0ITVb
— Late Night With Uncle PARODY Pants George Parros (@SafetyNhlParros) June 7, 2018