John Daly calls BS on The Rock saying he hit a golf ball 490 yards

John Daly

In these turbulent times we live in, one question is more important than the rest. Just how far can Dwayne Johnson, aka The Rock, hit a golf ball? He alleges that he hit a ball 490 yards. Pro golfer and well known long ball hitter John Daly, however, is skeptical to say the least

“Highly unlikely,” Daly said, via TMZ Sports. “Now, we know he’s strong enough to do it and if I had that body, I’d be hitting it 490 yards myself … but my motto is, ‘I don’t work out. I put out.'”

The Rock claimed the 490 yard drive in a photo on Instagram.

A post shared by therock (@therock) on

“The world record longest drive is 515 yards set in 1974. My drive here measured an estimated 490 yards by the scientists holding the rulers. I failed math when I was a kid, but I think that’s kinda close. One fun day I will break the world record. Great day on the links shooting scenes for our @ballershbo. Subsequently, I also hit two other great balls… when I stepped on a rake. Ok, no more bull– haha.. back to work. Have a productive day. #OnSet #Ballers #LasVegas #TheGolfingBeast ?? Big shout out to my bud and the man himself @jordanspieth for my gear ??”

Daly is certainly right. The Rock has the physical tools needed to hit a ball that long. He has plenty of upper body strength, and at six-foot-five can generate ample leverage for the long drive.

But his post generates another more pressing question. Titanium drivers weren’t common until the early 1990’s at the absolute earliest. The technology wasn’t really perfected until the early 21st century. Who in the world was hitting a 515 yard drive with persimmon woods and steel shafts in 1974? That would be one of the more impressive athletic achievements in history.

At any rate, Daly and The Rock trying to hit the ball 490 yards would make for some good TV. Hopefully someone out there can make it happen.

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