MLBPA Executive Director Tony Clark released a statement on Saturday announcing that the union has rejected the latest offer from the league. In said statement, Clark called for an end in negotiations.
MLBPA rejecting league’s latest offer is huge news
Clark asked for a response from the league whether it will exercise commissioner Rob Manfred’s right to force players back on to the diamond for a 50-game regular season. Whether the league plans to do that remains to be seen.
It almost seems like eons ago that the start of the season was pushed back due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. Concerns over player health has now taken a back seat to a financial split between the two sides.
MLB fans are not happy about this latest development
Can we blame fans? The United States is currently in the midst of a pandemic, its streets are filled with protests. The country is also in the midst of the biggest racial divide it has seen since the Civil War.
The backdrop here being the highest unemployment in the United States since the Great Depression and what promises to be a contentious presidential election between incumbent Donald Trump and likely Democratic nominee Joe Biden.
Millionaires and billionaires fighting for what amounts to as pennies on the dollar is not a great look during these most trying of times.
Again, ask the fans what they think.