NBA Hall of Famer Charles Barkley recently appeared on The Dan Patrick Show. The two of them delved into a popular topic of conversation, marijuana, and Barkley’s past star appearances on Saturday Night Live.
Charles Barkley shares some weed stories https://t.co/fl18vLxG3Z https://t.co/mFJm4qdT7z
— Dan Patrick Show (@dpshow) March 24, 2017
Barkley shared some of his best moments from the show, which he colorfully described. He reminisced about Nirvana being on the same set of SNL and warned that going anywhere near their door would cause a “contact high.” He described the smoke that billowed from their doorway as “big mushroom cloud.”
Barkley also said that he is “not a big pot guy,” and after the few times smoking it, all he wanted to do was eat an entire bag of potato chips. He reiterated that it did not give him the peace that many get from smoking. All it did was cause him to eat massive amounts of potato chips.
Barkley also discussed a period of time in the past when players used to smoke cigarettes and drink beer at halftime. Something which didn’t seem to make much sense to Barkley during competition.
The interview then turned even more comical when the “Round Mound of Rebound” described a certain player who couldn’t shoot baskets to save his life if he was not smoking pot. He joked to his coach that they needed to get said player back on his pot.
Patrick chimed in at the end and suggested that perhaps the New York Knicks take up smoking weed. Barkley quickly said that he doesn’t even think that would help their situation.