The Houston Texans and their former wide receiver Andre Johnson parted ways on some not-so-pleasant terms a couple of months ago.
Since signing with the Indianapolis Colts, Johnson has addressed the public setting the record straight that he was not out for revenge against his former team (via the Houston Chronicle).
(Leaving the Texans) hasn’t even really set in yet. I was just talking about that with someone. Everybody thinks that I went to the Colts to try and get back at the Texans and stuff like that. That had nothing to do with it. I just went to the … place where I felt was the best fit for me and where I can have a chance to win a championship.
It wasn’t about circling (game) dates or nothing against the Texans. I had 12 great years here. Been around some great people, built some great relationships, a lot of great friends. Houston’s always going to be my home. I have nothing bad against the Texans.
Johnson may not be about avenging himself at the moment, however we know he will have his game day face on when he plays his rival team twice during the regular season. Playing with the Andrew Luck and the rest of the Colts could bring Johnson that coveted Super Bowl championship he so desires. Meanwhile the Texans quarterback situation is a mess and watching that play out might be revenge enough.
Photo: Kirby Lee-USA TODAY Sports