
Cam Newton has conspiracy theory about Panthers’ offense

He might not be a flat-Earth truther or someone who believes we actually didn’t land on the Moon.

However, Carolina Panthers quarterback Cam Newton is coming out with his own theory following the team’s season-opening loss to the Los Angeles Rams.

It’s all sorts of grand. Newton believes that his Panthers don’t throw deep down the field because offensive coordinator Norv Turner has Christian McCaffrey on his fantasy football team.

That would certainly explain a lot. Newton threw for just 239 yards on 38 attempts in Week 1. McCaffrey? Well, he went for 209 total yards on 29 touches. That included 10 catches for 81 yards.

Either Turner is one sly guy with an eye focused squarely on his fantasy team or McCaffrey is just that good. Maybe a combination of both.

Newton’s take is obviously in a joking manner. But it does raise questions about how the Panthers are going to navigate through the remainder of the 2019 season on offense.

If Week 1 is any indication, we should all buy stocks in McCaffrey. That includes you, Mr. Newton. Join the club. Get with the times.

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