A couple of NFL stars, Josh Norman and Demario Davis, decided to put their convictions to work by helping put together and distribute care packages for immigrant families in Texas.
Norman personally spent all night putting together these care packages, per RAICES.
We are so thrilled to have Pro Football Player @J_No24 volunteering with us today! We already put him to work assembling backpack care packages for families. He was up all night.
Thank you, Josh! #FamiliesBelongTogther #TeamWorkMakesTheDreamWork pic.twitter.com/Re2hqWXNyd— RAICES (@RAICESTEXAS) June 27, 2018
This group is “The largest immigration legal services non-profit in TX, focusing on under-served immigrant children, families and refugees,” according to its Twitter bio.
”If you see wrong, you stand up and do something about it.” @demario__davis @J_No24 and @demario__davis are doing the work. pic.twitter.com/J8X65kbwTo
— RAICES (@RAICESTEXAS) June 27, 2018
It’s always a treat to see these high-profile athletes, who could easily be on an island somewhere just chilling out, putting in the time and effort to help those who aren’t as fortunate as them.