It’s finders, keepers for Decker, who wore jersey No. 87 for his four years as a Denver Bronco. Now that Decker is earning the big bucks from the Jets, $36.25 million over five years to be exact, he has no problem throwing his spare cash around.
He offered teammate Jeff Cumberland $25,000 and a steak dinner to buy No. 87 from him. And, why not? the tight end could probably use some spare spending money during the offseason. Honestly, off the top of my head, I didn’t remember that Cumberland even wore No. 87, because that’s how infrequently we saw him even mustering a catch last season.
I can see that Decker already has that aggressive New Yorker attitude settling in, as Cumberland caved for steak and cash. Not only did it cost Decker $25,000, the NFL will make tons of money off No. 87 Decker Jets’ jerseys at $100 plus a pop from paying fans, who want to keep current in Decker’s color and team insignia.
Money well-spent on Decker’s end? Time will tell. I certainly don’t think we’ll see as much action from him as we did when he was a Bronco.
Eric Decker paid teammate Jeff Cumberland $25,000 plus a steak dinner for jersey No. 87: http://t.co/ZSf2AQxyXE
— FOX Sports: NFL (@NFLonFOX) April 1, 2014
Photo: Chris Humphreys, USA Today Sports