Charlie Sly, the source at the center of Al Jazeera’s “The Dark Side” documentary that alleges Peyton Manning and others purchased HGH (human growth hormone), came out with a YouTube video recanting any statements used in the documentary.
Here is his statement.
Sly says that “any recordings were made without my knowledge or consent” and recanted everything that was used in the report. He says it it his belief that Liam Collins “secretly made those recordings” and called Collins “a recruited fraudster.”
Now, there is no denying Manning’s wife had a prescription from the Guyer Institute. His spokesman has come out and attested to this fact, but other than that there is nothing definitive tying the legendary NFL quarterback to the “anti-aging” institute.
Not surprisingly, Manning has denied any involvement in taking HGH to aid in his recovery and the Denver Broncos have come in strong behind him to say they do not believe any of it.
Because the person being targeted as “the source” in this documentary is adamantly denying any consent or involvement in the report, there is a good chance the entire thing is going to be viewed by many as nothing more than a farcical tale drummed up to gain notoriety.
For those interested in viewing the entire Al Jazeera documentary, we’ve got you covered.