
Brian Windhorst drops another strong hint about the next major NBA transaction

Credit: Brett Davis-USA TODAY Sports

Around the NBA landscape, Brian Windhorst is known for his omniscient basketball scoops, with his famous prediction about the Cleveland Cavaliers’ “outlandish” move for Donovan Mitchell shocking the world. Many still can’t get this picture out of their heads:

Now, why is that?

This time, the focus turns its attention to the Los Angeles Clippers’ ongoing contract negotiations with Paul George, who has the option to enter free agency this summer.

“Paul George has options out there as a free agent… He has legitimate other offers, and yet here he is still a free agent… Why have [the Clippers] not made that offer? … They have to know that he could walk on them for nothing.”

Brian Windhorst on Paul George/Los Angeles Clippers

George is scheduled to become the best free agent available, and as Windhorst notes, we’ve heard plenty about how the Philadelphia 76ers have strong interest, in addition to several other teams.

Why aren’t the Clippers paying George what he wants? We’ll find out soon enough, but as Windhorst notes, it’s a situation worth paying close attention to.

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