
Fantasy Baseball 2014 Sleepers | USJ Podcast

Fantasy Baseball 2014 Sleepers & Surprises

Today on the February 18th, 2014 Sportsnaut Unfiltered podcast TC is riding solo and talking about Fantasy Baseball 2014 sleepers and surprises. You’re going to spend all your money on Jacoby Ellsbury? You’re a fool. Don’t know about Sonny Gray? You’re about to be given a lesson. Listen Now…

Listen Now: Fantasy Baseball 2014 Sleepers & Surprises

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You’re itching to get the baseball season going and you think you know who all the Fantasy Baseball 2014 sleepers and surprises will be? No, you don’t. Some of the big names will be disappointing this year and TC has an inside sneak peek at the Unfiltered Sports Juggernaut’s Top 100 Fantasy Baseball 2014 Sleepers and Surprises FREE guide coming in March. Yep, Freddie Freeman is on the list, yet not the list you’re expecting. Also names like Michael Pineda, Sergio Romo, Shelby Miller, and Billy Butler.

Fantasy Baseball 2014 Sleepers & Surprises

  • This is finally the year – Stay away from David ‘Big Papi’ Ortiz
  • Miguel Sano of the Minnesota Twins will be your 2nd half stud
  • Stephen Strasburgh will be the second coming of Stephen Strasburgh in 2014
  • Listen to the show to find out the rest.

Plus TC (your host and ringmaster) will engage on the Sportsnaut.com headlines of the day including why CBS dumped Shannon Sharpe and Dan Marino, the all dancin’ infield, and why Major League Baseball pitchers need to hit the buffet much more and why hitter needs to stop going to the weight room. Finally, Bill Russell is not happy about being disrespected by LeBron James, and why Matt Miller is high to think that Phillip Rivers is the second best quarterback in football, only behind Peyton Manning. BTW, Aaron Rodgers is still the best.

Check out the featured stories…

Photo: Noah K. Murray-USA TODAY Sports
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