For the second time in the still-young 2018 MLB season, the Tampa Bay Rays used a positional player on the mound to close out a loss. A month ago, it was infielder Daniel Robinson who got the call in a blowout loss to the Boston Red Sox. On Sunday against the Baltimore Orioles, it was outfielder Johnny Field who came into the game for the Rays.
Not surprisingly, it was Field’s MLB debut as a pitcher.
For the 2nd time this year, the Rays give us a…..
/— Cut4 (@Cut4) May 13, 2018
#RaysBaseball left fielder Johnny Field is in to pitch. His first pitch is a 68.4MPH curveball in the bottom of the 8th #UtilityPlayer #MLB
— Pitch By Hitter Bot (@PitchByHitter) May 13, 2018
Field did an incredible job in the eighth inning, forcing three outs and issuing just one walk. Of course, at this point in the game hit hardly mattered what he did, given the fact that Baltimore had a 17-1 lead heading into the eighth inning.
Regardless, Twitter had some fun with this development.
John "Johnny" Field about to become the ninth #Rays position player in history to pitch as a position player.
— Gabe Lacques (@GabeLacques) May 13, 2018
#Rays resort to using an outfielder, Johnny Field to mop up. He's on to pitch against #Orioles in the eighth inning, hoping to save the bullpen and avoid personal embarrassment.
— Rich DubroffMLB (@RichDubroffMLB) May 13, 2018
With a name like Johnny Field, he *should* be able to play every position.
— Ryan Boyer (@RyanPBoyer) May 13, 2018
Johnny Field becomes Johnny Pitch.
— Rob Daniels (@oriolesfactoids) May 13, 2018
Johnny Field. Sound like such a made-up name. #Orioles #Rays
— Davey G and the… (@DaveyGandthe) May 13, 2018
Now pitching for the Rays, Johnny "I don't usually pitch, I play out" Field
— Adam J. Morris (@lonestarball) May 13, 2018
Johnny Field gives up a walk, but gets three outs.
Best pitching performance of the day for the #Rays.
— Bay Invasion – Tampa Bay Sports (@BayInvasion) May 13, 2018
This is a really good baseball name. Related: if Johnny Field ever became good enough to have a field named after him, would it be Johnny Field Field or just Johnny Field?
— Tipping Pitches (@tipping_pitches) May 13, 2018