Seattle Seahawks running back Marshawn Lynch is a one-of-a-kind character. He rarely speaks in public, but when he does…we all listen. Lynch, who is going to be featured without some clothing in an upcoming ESPN Magazine photo shoot, didn’t shy away from how he feels about his naked body.
I got to show some love for the fat backs. Don’t matter if we don’t get love, as long as I give mine…Even though I get butt-a– naked, I’m still gonna let my body do the talking for me. I’m cool with my body, I love my body. I wouldn’t trade it for no other body.
Lynch is a physical freak on the football field. And it’s hard to argue against the point he was making, whatever it might have been. I would trade my body for his any day of the year. But that’s a story for another time.
Lynch continued…
Michael Phelps wouldn’t have been on the Wheaties box if I stuck with swimming. I’ve been swimming since I was a little kid. I still swim. I’m the best. I am Olympic caliber right now, hell yeah.
Can you just imagine a Wheaties/Skittles cereal? In all seriosuness, Marshawn surely does love him some Marshawn.
ESPN The Magazine’s Body Issue coming out later this month. It will surely leave you in awe.
Photo: USA Today