
Cody Parkey feels ‘terrible’ about miss, gets brutalized on Wikipedia

Cody Parkey is not beloved by Chicago Bears fans right now after he missed a potential game-winning field goal in the wild-card game against Philly.

Parkey had a 43-yard attempt at the end of the fourth quarter that would have given the Bears a two-point win. Unfortunately, he not only doinked it off the left upright, he double-doinked this one, handing Philly the win.

Remember, this is the same young man who hit the uprights four times in a single game earlier this year, so this one was brutally painful for him and the team’s fans.

The poor kid left the field to a chorus of boos.

After the game, he said he felt “terrible” about it.

Even worse, as is the custom in this day and age, someone went into Parkey’s Wikipedia page and roasted him…badly.

This one’s going to take a while to get over, both for Parkey and Bears fans.

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