
Lamar Jackson reportedly has not signed with an agent

Cardinals quarterback Lamar Jackson has a lot of pressure on his shoulders heading into college football Week 1

This could very well be concerning for NFL teams. In the news most recently due to some pretty hot takes about his ability to play quarterback in the NFL, Louisville’s Lamar Jackson is back as the talk of the league right now.

According to this report, the former Heisman winner has not signed with an agent. Instead, Jackson is having his mother help him with pre-draft preparation.

Teams generally don’t take kindly to these types of situations. Sure the 2011 collective bargaining agreement that set into motion a rookie wage scale makes agents a tad less important for players on their rookie deals. Even then, there’s off-set language and other contractual verbiage that agents are best suited dealing with.

Jackson likely doesn’t want a percentage of his rookie contract to go to an agent. That’s understandable. Though, it could lead to some major contract issues for him once he is drafted in April. It’s surely something to keep an eye on here.

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