
West Virginia president: College football will be played this fall

West Virginia

West Virginia president Dr. E. Gordon Gee is confident that college football will be played this fall. He even joked about the extreme measures he’d take personally to make it happen.

Gee: We’ll play college football ‘even if I have to suit up’

Speaking with WOWK during a “Opening West Virginia” special Tuesday, Lee made it clear he thinks football will be played this fall.

“We are going to play football in the fall. I really do believe that, even if I have to suit up,” he said. “We are going to do it based on what is safe, what is healthy for our fans, what is healthy for our student-athletes. I think this country needs to move from being shut down to have an ability to be able to get back into hope and opportunity, and certainly athletics provides great hope and great synergy to people.”

It’s worth noting that Gee is on the College Football Playoff board. So his take carries weight. Interestingly, West Virginia’s athletic programs have already asked coaches to take significant pay cuts this summer.

Major conferences like the Pac-12 have yet to make any decision at all. And we already know that the California State University system won’t have classes on campuses this fall. So college football may be played, but it likely won’t look like it normally does. Instead, it could be a piecemeal affair unlike anything we’ve ever seen.

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