
WATCH: Vontaze Burfict with yet another late, dirty hit

Vontaze Burfict is the dirtiest player in the NFL today — bar none. The Cincinnati Bengals linebacker seems to have a compulsion to make dirty, late hits and we see this come out in droves whenever he plays divisional rivals.

On Sunday as the Bengals battled the Cleveland Browns, Burfict was at it again with a late, dirty hit on Nick Chubb, who was falling to the ground having already being tackled by two Bengals defenders. And, per usual, he led with his helmet.


It’s unconscionable that Burfict is still allowed to play. He’s been fined an absurd amount of money over the course of his career and appears to always be looking to hurt people.

No doubt, the league will investigate this latest hit, and yet another big fine could be coming his way.

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