Alex Miglio Talks NFL and Draft Predictions

Alex Miglio Talks NFL Draft Predictions

On this Sportsnaut Unfiltered podcast TC is joined by Alex Miglio to discuss the latest action in the NFL.  With the NFL Pro Day workouts underway TC wants to know who Alex thinks is going to come out on top come Draft Day.   Listen now…

Alex Miglio Talks NFL Draft Predictions


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Alex Miglio Talks NFL Draft Predictions:

Alex Miglio is a Senior Editor over at Pro Fantasy Football, writes for The Bleacher Report. Alex is also a contributor to The Huddle, with all that football background TC is excited to sit down and starts asking the hard questions. What are the hard questions? Things like why on earth does it seem like the running back talent pool is at an all time low? Is there just no one left that can play that position like Emmitt Smith or Walter Payton?  TC presses Alex to provide answers on what exactly he meant in a recent article about Mike Zimmer  (the coach of the Minnesota Vikings). In a recent article he compared Mike’s worth to a boxed set of Janice cassette tapes.  Alex also weighs in on the Miami dolphins acquisition of Knowshon Moreno.  Plus, this wouldn’t be a Sportsnaut Unfiltered show if we didn’t, at least, talk about one other sport. TC and Alex talk baseball. Specifically Alex’s favorite team the Florida Marlins. 


Can’t get enough about Alex Miglio:

This aspiring novelist can also be found over on Facebook.  Aside from sports writing he is blowing up Twitter. Since 2010 when he joined he has tweeted over 90.8k.  Clearly this is a man with a lot of passion and a lot of things to say! Be sure to follow him for the latest in football news before Fantasy Football season starts!

Photo: Jeff Blake-USA TODAY Sports

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