Wes Welker Places Blame for Suspension on the NFL

Scapegoat time for Denver Broncos wide receiver Wes Welker, who was suspended four games for violating NFL’s policy on performance enhancing drugs. 

The five-time Pro Bowler had this to say about his suspension in an email to the Denver Post on Tuesday.

Let’s get this straight.

“The NFL’s drug policy procedures are clearly flawed.”

That was part of Welker’s explanation for letting his team down after taking an illegal substance earlier this year at the Kentucky Derby.

Accountability must be a part of the process here. While we all question NFL’s drug policy, Welker put himself in the situation to be suspended. And in the process, he let his team down.

No where in this statement is there an admission of guilt or apology to the Denver Broncos organization. Instead, Welker acts like he’s the victim here.

Too bad that he can’t go back to the day in question and maybe blame whoever gave him the illegal substance for putting him in that situation. This is someone mute of reality attempting to place blame instead of looking in the mirror. Let’s see how John Elway and the Broncos organization respond to this statement. They can’t be too thrilled with Welker at this point.

Photo: USA Today

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