WATCH: WWE Superstars present Aaron Judge with championship belt

Aaron Judge won the 2017 MLB Home Run Derby and received his official trophy that night. But the best prize didn’t come until Tuesday. That came when WWE Superstars Braun Strowman, Alexa Bliss and Big Cass dropped by Yankee Stadium to present Judge with an official championship belt.

That’s a pretty sweet gift. And frankly, who would fault Judge for walking up to the plate with that thing wrapped around his waist? If you have that kind of bling, you have to show it off.

Of course, Strowman, Bliss and Cass didn’t walk away from Yankee Stadium empty handed.

Looking at Judge standing next to Strowman and Big Cass — two monstrous men — we wonder if Judge might have a WWE career in line after baseball.

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